

文:林庭佑 博士生 / 國立臺灣師範大學


上一篇文章中我們認識了八大類會導致生物年齡增加的因子,本文將聚焦在後天最有機會改善的要素: 生活習慣


(1) 過量飲酒: 由於乙醇 (食用酒精) 只能由肝臟來代謝,過量的飲用酒精,會引發一系列的分子生物機轉,導致三酸甘油脂囤積在肝臟中形成脂肪肝,一旦形成了脂肪肝的症狀不僅損害到肝臟功能,所造成的傷害更是不可逆轉的,即便日後戒酒,肝功能也沒辦法恢復到原本的狀態1 。

(2) 濫用藥物: 使用非法毒品。例如:古柯鹼,會導致心血管功能失調2

(3) 抽菸: 在澳洲有一個追蹤四十五歲以上成人,超過十八萬人次的長期觀察性實驗,發現在七年的追蹤期間中,抽菸者被診斷出心血管疾病的機率是從未吸菸者的1.63倍。

(4) 吃進過度精緻的食物與喝含糖飲料3過度精緻的食物不僅在加工做成中流失了很多營養成分例如纖維、維生素等,也因為太過容易消化並吸收,導致餐後血糖過度升高並促使胰島素大量的分泌,週而復始之下便可能導致胰島素阻抗,也就是糖尿病的前身 4。以其他未加工的「完整食物」(whole food),例如蔬菜 5、堅果 6 和橄欖油 7,8 等取代上述的精緻食物與含糖飲料可有助於降低罹患心血管疾病的機率。




1.Purhit, V., Gao, B. & Song, B. J. Molecular mechanisms of alcoholic fatty liver. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 33, 191-205 (2009).

2.Schwartz, B. G., Rezkalla, S. & Kloner, R. A. Cardiovascular effects of cocaine. Circulation 122, 2558-2569 (2010).

3.Hamczyk, M. R., Nevado, R. M., Barettino, A., Fuster, V. & Andrés, V. Biological versus chronological aging: JACC focus seminar. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 75, 919-930 (2020).

4. Fung, J. & Teicholz, N. The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally.  (Greystone Books, 2018).

5 .Blanch, N., Clifton, P. & Keogh, J. A systematic review of vascular and endothelial function: Effects of fruit, vegetable and potassium intake. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 25, 253-266 (2015).

6. Grosso, G. et al. Nut consumption on all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies. The American journal of clinical nutrition 101, 783-793 (2015).

7.Schwingshackl, L., Christoph, M. & Hoffmann, G. Effects of olive oil on markers of inflammation and endothelial function—a systematic review and meta-analysis. Nutrients 7, 7651-7675 (2015).

8.Psaltopoulou, T., Kosti, R. I., Haidopoulos, D., Dimopoulos, M. & Panagiotakos, D. B. Olive oil intake is inversely related to cancer prevalence: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of 13800 patients and 23340 controls in 19 observational studies. Lipids in health and disease 10, 127 (2011).

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