近期的研究方向,競技運動領域以探討練習與神經回饋訓練對高爾夫球推桿表現的影響,健身運動領域以了解適用於兒童(尤其是 ADHD 兒童)的運動處方內容為主軸,期望透過系列性的研究分別提供競技選手與一般民眾在運動表現提升與健康促進上最新、最實用的資訊。如果對本實驗室的研究有興趣,或有意加入本研究團隊,歡迎聯絡實驗室主持人洪聰敏博士。
- Chen, F. T., Etnier, J. L., Chan, K. H., Chiu, P. K., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K*. (Accepted). Effects of physical activity training interventions on executive function in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine. (SCI, IF= 7.58; ranking in Sport Sciences: 2/83, 2%, Q1)
- Hidrus, A, Kueh, Y.C., Norsaádah, B., Chang, Y.K., Hung. T.M., Naing, N.N., & Kuan, G. (2020). Effects of Brain Breaks Videos on the Motives for the Physical Activity of Malaysians with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public health, 17, 2507; doi:10.3390/ijerph17072507. (SSCI, IF = 2.468, ranking in Public, environmental & Occupational Health 38/164 = 23.17%)
- Chang, C.Y. & Hung, T.M*. (2020). Understanding and control of cortical activity for superior performance. Kinesiology Review, 9 (1), 41-50.
- Feng, J., Hung, T.M., Huang, R., Hou, S., & Ren, J. (2020). Role of proprioception in slow and rapid movements. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 127(2), 281-298 (SSCI)
- Yu, C.L., Chueh, T.Y., Hsieh, S.S., Tsai, Y.J., Hung, C.L., Huang, C.J., Wu, C.T., & Hung, T.M*. (2019). Motor competence Moderates Relationship between Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity and Resting EEG in Children with ADHD, Mental Health and Physical Activity, 17, 100302. (SSCI, IF = 1.797, ranking in Psychiatry, 82/146 = 56%)(1/5 citations to NTNU)
- Chang, Y. K., Alderman, B. L., Chu, C. H., Hung, T. M., & Liu, J. H. (2020). Conducting Exercise Trials for Obese Adolescents Within the Effectiveness Setting: A Response with Commentary to Ejima et al. (2019). Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 46,101605 (SSCI, IF= 2.809, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 7/45=15.5%)
- Chang, Y. K., Erickson, K. I., Stamatakis, E., Hung, T. M. (2019). How the 2018 US physical activity guidelines are a call to promote and better understand acute physical activity for cognitive function gains. Sports Medicine, 49(11), 1625–1627【SCI, IF= 7.58; Ranking in Sport Sciences: 2/83, Top 3%】
- Chang, Y.K., Yan, J., Chen, F.J., Kuan, G., Wei, G.X., Chen*, A.G., & Hung*, T.M. (2019). Effects of Acute Exercise Duration on the Inhibition Aspect of Executive Function in Late Middle-Aged Adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11:227. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2019.00227【SCI, IF= 3.633; Ranking in Geriatrics & Gerontology: 17/63, 32.073%】
- Tsai, Y.J., Huang, C. J., Hung, C. L., Kao, S.C., Lin, C.F., Hsieh, S.S., & Hung, T. M. (2019). Muscular fitness, motor competence, and processing speed in preschool children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology (SSCI, IF=1.667, Ranking in Psychology, developmental: 49/74). (4/5 citations to NTNU)
- Wang, K.P., Cheng, M.Y., Chen, T.T., Chang, Y.K., Huang, C.J., Feng, J., Hung, T. M.*, Ren, J.* (2019). Experts’ successful psychomotor performance was characterized by effective switch of motor and attentional control. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 374-379. (SSCI, IF= 2.71, ranking in Psychology, applied: 22/82 (26.82%))(0/6 citations to NTNU)
- Chen, T.T., Wang, K.P., Cheng, M.Y., Chang, Y.T., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2019). Impact of emotional and motivational regulation on putting performance: A frontal alpha asymmetry study, PeerJ 7:e6777 http://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6777 (SCI, IF = 2.353 ; Ranking in Multidisciplinary Sciences: 38.42%)(0/1 citations to NTNU)
- Li, D., Huang, C. J., Liu, S. C., Chang, K. H., & Hung, T. M.* (2019). Exercise type relates to inhibitory and error processing functions in older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 26(6), 865-881. (SSCI, IF = 1.845; Ranking in Psychology, Developmental: 51.31%)(0/2 citations to NTNU)
- Lo, L.C., Hatfield, B.D., Wu, C.T., Chang, C.C., & Hung, T.M.* (2019) Elevated State Anxiety Alters Cerebral Cortical Dynamics and Degrades Precision Cognitive-Motor Performance. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 8(1), 21-37. (SSCI, IF =1.574, ranking in Psychology, applied:45/82=54.87%)(0/0 citations to NTNU)
- Hsieh, S.S., Tsai, J.R., Chang, S.H., Ho, J.Y., Chen, J.F., Chen, P.H., Sung, Y.T., & Hung, T.M.* (2019). The subject-dependent, cumulative, and recency association of aerobic fitness with academic performance in Taiwanese junior high school students. BMC Pediatrics 19:25, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-018-1384-4 【SCI, IF =1.983, ranking in Pediatrics= 44.76%, Q2】(7/9 citations to NTNU)
- Hung, T.M. (2019). Commentary: What mediates the relationship between physical activity and cognition? International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,17(2), 182–183. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2016.1223787(SJR=0.609, Psychology: applied 110/220=50%)(0/0 citations to NTNU)
- Hsieh, S.S., Huang, C.J., Wu, C.T., Chang, Y. K,* & Hung, T.M.* (2018) Acute exercise facilitates the N450 inhibition marker and P3 attention marker during Stroop test in young and older adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(11), 391. 【SCI, IF =5.688, Ranking: 15/154 (9.35%) in Medicine, General, & Internal, Q1】(3 citations to NTNU)
- Elferink-Gemser, M.T., Faber, I.R., Visscher, C., Hung, T.M., de Vries, S.J., & Nijhuis- van der Sanden, M.W.G. (2018). Higher-level Cognitive Functions in Dutch Elite and Sub-elite Table Tennis Players. PLoS One. 13(11): e0206151. https://doi.org/10.1371/( SCI, IF = 2.776; Ranking in Multidisciplinary Science: 7/19)
- Hsieh, S. S. #, Tsai, J.R. #, Chang, S.H., Cheng, C.F., Sung, Y.T., & Hung, T.M.* (2018). The Relations between 3-year Changes in Physical Fitness and Academic Performance in Nationally Representative Sample of Junior High School Students. Scientific Reports, 8:15978 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34370-2.(SCI, IF: 4.011; Ranking in Multidisciplinary Sciences= 12/64, 21.01%).#equal contribution (4 citations to NTNU)
- Hung, C.L.; Tseng, J.W.; Chao, H.H.; Hung, T.M.*; Wang, H.S. * (2018) Effect of acute exercise mode on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BD NF) and task switching performance. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(10), 301. 【SCI, IF =5.688, ranking in Medicine, General & Internal= 4/40, 9.35%, Q1】
- Chen, F. T., Etnier, J. L., Wu, C. H., Cho, Y. M., Hung, T. M.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2018). Dose-response relationship between exercise duration and executive function in late middle-aged adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(9), 279.【SCI, IF =5.688, ranking in Medicine, General & Internal= 4/40, 9.35%, Q1】
- Chu, T. L., Zhang, T., & Hung, T.M. (2018). Motivational profiles in table tennis players: Relations with performance anxiety and subjective vitality. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(23), 2738-2750. (SCI, IF=2.811, ranking in Sports Sciences= 19/81(23.49%)
- Huang, C.J., Huang, C.W., Hung. C.L., Tsai, Y.J., Chang, Y.K., Wu, C.T., & Hung, T.M.* (2018). Effects of Acute Exercise on Resting EEG in Children with Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorder. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 49, 993–1002. (SSCI, IF=2.071, ranking in Psychology: Developmental= 27/73(36.3%)
- Hsieh, S.S., Fan, D., Tsai, H., Chang, Y.K., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2018). Differences in working memory as a function of physical activity in children. Neuropsychology, 32(7), 797-808. (SSCI, IF=2.477, ranking in psychology: clinical=44/129(34.11%)
- Liu, L. H., Alderman, B. L., Song, T. F., Chen, F. T., Hung, T. M.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2018). A randomized controlled trial of coordination exercise on cognitive function in obese adolescents. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34, 29-38.【SSCI, IF= 2.878, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 9/50 (18%)】
- Chu, C. H., Kramer, A. F., Song, T. F., Wu, C. H., Hung, T. M.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2017). Acute exercise and neurocognitive development in preadolescents and young adults: An ERP Study. Neural Plasticity, Article ID 2631909.【SCI, IF= 3.05, ranking in Neuroscience: 115/258 Q2】
- Hsieh, S.S., Lin, C.C., Chang, Y.K., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2017). Effects of childhood gymnastics program on spatial working memory, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(12), 2537-2547. 【SCI, IF = 4.291; Ranking in Sport science: 7/81=8.6%】(SJR=1.962, Medicine: orthopedic & sport science 11/240=4.58%, Health profession: physical therapy, sport therapy, & rehabilitation 5/169=2.96)
- Huang, C. J., Huang, C. W., Tsai, Y. J., Tsai, C. L., Chang, Y. K., & Hung, T. M.* (2017). A preliminary examination of aerobic exercise effects on resting EEG in children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 21(11), 898-903. DOI: 10.1177/1087054714554611【SSCI, IF = 3.668; Ranking in Psychology, Developmental: 12/73=16.43%】(SJR=1.223, Psychology: Clinical psychology 38/255=14.9%) (NSC102-2410-H-003-128).
- Cheng, M.Y., Wang, K.P., Hung, C.L., Tu, Y.L., Huang, C.J., Koester, D., Schack, T., & Hung, T. M.* (2017). Higher Power of Sensorimotor Rhythm is Associated with Better Performance in Skilled Air-Pistol Shooters. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 32, 47-52. [SSCI, IF= 2.878, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 9/50 (18%)] (SJR=1.347, Psychology: Applied psychology 30/194=15.46%)
- Tsai, Y.J., Hung, C.L., Tsai, C.L., Chang, Y.K., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2017). The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Inhibitory Ability in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Event-Related Potential Study, Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 31, 149-157 [SSCI, IF= 2.878, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 9/50 (18%)] (SJR=1.347, Psychology: Applied psychology 30/194=15.46%) (NSC102-2410-H-003-128)
- Chang, Y. K., Chu, C. H., Chen, F. T., Hung, T. M., & Etnier, J. L.* (2017). Combined effects of physical activity and obesity on cognitive function: independent, overlapping, moderator, and mediator models. Sports Medicine, 47(3), 449-468.(SCI, IF= 7.074; Ranking in Sport Sciences: 3/82, Q1)
- Chueh, T. Y., Huang, C.J., Hsieh, S.S., Chen, K.F., Chang, Y.K., & Hung, T.M. * (2017). Sports training enhances visuo-spatial cognition regardless of open-closed typology. PeerJ, 5, e3336【SCI, IF = 2.118 ; Ranking in Multidisciplinary Sciences: 19/64=29.68%】
- Hsieh, S. S., Hung, T. M.*, Chiu, L. H., Chou, W. C., & Fang, C. L.* (2017). Working memory differentiated by physical functional capacity in late-adulthood. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 26(1), 61-69. (SSCI; IF= 0.922; Ranking in Psychology, Applied:69/82 (84.14%)) (SJR= 0.435; Psychology, Applied Psychology: 112/189 (59.26%))
- Chu, C. H., Yang, K. T., Song, T. F., Liu, J. H., Hung, T. M.*, & Chang, Y. K.*. (2016). Cardiorespiratory Fitness is associated with executive control in late-middle-aged adults: An event-related (De) synchronization (ERD/ERS) study. Frontier in Psychology. 7:1135. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01135. (SSCI, IF= 2.46; Ranking in Psychology, multidisciplinary:29/129(22.48%), Q1)
- Huang, C.J., Chou, C.C., & Hung, T.M*. (2016). College Experiences and Career Barriers among Semi-Professional Student-Athletes: The Influences of Athletic Identity and Career Self-Efficacy. Career Development International, 21(6), 571-586. 【SSCI, IF = 1.038; Ranking in Psychology, Applied: 61/80=76.25%】
- Hung, C.L., Huang, C.J., Tsai, Y.J., Chang, Y.K., & Hung, T.M*. (2016). Neuroelectric and behavioral effects of acute exercise on task switching in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Frontier in Psychology, 7:1589.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01589.(SSCI, IF= 2.323; Ranking in Psychology, multidisciplinary:33/128(25.78%), Q2) (NSC102-2410-H-003-128).
- Hsieh, S.S., Chang, Y.K., Fang, C.L., & Hung, T.M.* (2016). Acute resistance exercise facilitates attention control in adult males without an age-moderating effect. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 38, 247-254. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=2.451; Ranking in Hospitality, leisure, sport, & tourism, 12/45=26.6%】(SJR=1.385, Psychology: Applied psychology 29/194=14.94%)
- Hsieh, S. S., Chang, Y. K., Hung, T. M.*, & Fang, C. L*. (2016). The effects of acute resistance exercise on young and older males’ working memory. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 286-293. [SSCI, IF= 2.809, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 7/45 (15.5%)](SJR=1.347, Psychology: Applied psychology 30/194=15.46%) (NSC 102-2410-H-003-139)
- Chuan, L.Y., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2015). Effects of Attentional Training on Visual Attention to Emotional Stimuli in Archers: A Preliminary Investigation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 98(3), 448-454. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=2.596; Ranking in Psychology, Experimental, 25/85=29.41%】(SJR=1.534, Psychology: neuropsychology & physiological psychology 12/57=21.05%)
- Chu, C. H., Chen, A. G., Hung, T. M., Wang, C. C., & Chang, Y. K.* (2015). Exercise and fitness modulate cognitive function in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 30(4):842-848【SSCI/SCI, IF=2.64; Ranking in Gerontology, 7/32=21.9%】
- Wang, C.C., Hsu, H.Y., & Hung, T.M.* (2015). Exercise may benefit patients with schizophrenia. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (SJR=0.774, Psychology: Social psychology 75/225=33.8%) DOI: 10. 1080/1612197X.2015.1013325
- Cheng, M. Y., Huang, C. J., Chang, Y. K., Koester, D., Schack, T., & Hung, T. M.* (2015). Sensorimotor rhythm neurofeedback enhance golf putting performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 37, 626-636. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=2.379; Ranking in Hospitality, leisure, sport, & tourism, 7/44=15.90%】(SJR=1.237, Psychology: Applied psychology 32/189=16.9%) (NSC 98-2410-H-003 -124 -MY2) 2017年體育署運動科學研究獎勵優等獎
- Cheng, M.Y., Hung, C.L., Huang, C.J., Chang, Y.K., Lo, L.C., Shen, C., & Hung, T. M.* (2015). Expert-Novice Differences in SMR Activity during Dart Throwing, Biological Psychology, 110, 212-218. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=3.234; Ranking in Psychology, Experimental, 12/85=14.11%】(SJR=2.008, Psychology: neuropsychology & physiological psychology 7/57=12.28%) (NSC93-2413-H-154-010) 2017年體育署運動科學研究獎勵優等獎
- Chuan, L.Y., Huang*, C.J., & Hung, T. M.* (2015). Competitive trait anxiety and patterns of attentional bias in archers. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46(4), 337-347. 【SSCI, IF=0.485; Ranking in Psychology: Multidisciplinary: 98/129=75.97%】
- Chuan, L.Y., Tsai, Y. J., Chang, Y.K., Huang, C.J. *, & Hung, T. M.* (2015) Effects of acute aerobic exercise on response preparation in a Go/No Go task in children with ADHD: An event-related potential study. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4, 82-88.【SSCI, IF=1.712; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism: 15/44=34.09%】(NSC102-2410-H-003-128)
- Wang, C. C., Shih, C. H., Pesce, C. Song, T. F., Hung, T., M., & Chang, Y. K. (2015). Failure to Identify an Acute Exercise Effect on Executive Function Assessed by the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 4, 64-72.【SSCI, IF=1.712; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism: 10/43=23.26%】
- Chuan, L.Y., Hung, S.Y., Huang, C.J., Chang, Y.K., & Hung, T. M.* (2015). A three-month-intervention of Dance Dance Revolution improves interference control in elderly females: A preliminary investigation. Experimental Brain Research. 233, 1181-1188. (DOI) 1007/s00221-015-4196-x【SCI, IF=2.036, Ranking in Neurosciences:171/252=67.86%】(SJR=1.14, Neuroscience: Misc 58/136=42.65) (NSC99-2410-H-003-44-MY3)
- Huang, C.W., Huang, C.J., Hung, C.L., Shih, C.H., & Hung, T.M.* (2015). Physical Fitness and Resting EEG in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Psychophysiology, 29(1), 26-32. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=1.59; Ranking in Psychology, Biological: 11/14=78.57%】(SJR=0.558, Psychology: neuropsychology & physiological psychology 37/57=64.9) (NSC102-2410-H-003-128)
- Chang Y. K., Hung, C. L., Huang, C. J., Hatfield, B. D., Hung, T. M.* (2014). Effects of an aquatic exercise program on inhibitory control in children with ADHD: A preliminary study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 29(3), 217-223.【SSCI/SCI, IF=1.986; Ranking in Psychology, Clinical: 45/119=37.82%】doi: 10.1093/arclin/acu003(NSC 101-2917-I-003-005)
- Kao, S. C., Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M.* (2014). Neurofeedback training reduces frontal midline theta and improves putting performance in expert golfers, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 26(3), 271-286. {SSCI/SCI Journal, IF=1.062; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism:19/43=44.19%} (SJR=0.617, Psychology: Applied psychology 86/184) NSC 98-2410-H-003 -124 -MY2
- Huang, C. J., Lin, P. C., Hung, C. L., Chang, Y. K., & Hung, T. M.* (2014). Type of physical exercise and inhibitory function in older adults: An event-related potential study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(2), 205-211. 【SSCI, IF = 1.896; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism: 8/43=18.6】(SJR=1.072, Psychology: Applied psychology 44/192)
- Tsai, C. L.*, Chang, Y. K., Chen, F.C., Hung, T. M., Pan, C.Y., Wang, C.H. (2014). Effects of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Enhancement on Deficits in Visuospatial Working Memory in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Cognitive Electrophysiological Study. Archive of Clinical Neuropsychology, 29(2), 173-185. 【SSCI Journal, IF=1.986; Ranking in Psychology, Clinical: 45/119=37.82%】
- Chang, Y. K., Huang, C. J., Chen, C, F., & Hung, T. M.* (2013). Physical Activity and Working Memory in Healthy Older Adults: An ERP Study. Psychophysiology, 50, 1174-1182.【SSCI, IF=3.181; Ranking in Psychology, Experimental:15/83(18.07%)】NSC 99-2410-H-003 -144 -MY3
- Hung, T. M., Tsai, C. L., Chen, F. T., & Wang, C. C., Chang, Y. K.*, (2013). The immediate and sustain effect following acute exercise on planning aspect of executive function. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 728-736【SSCI/SCI Journal, IF=1.768; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism:8/38=21.05%)】
- Chuan, L.Y., Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M.* (2013). The differences in frontal midline theta power between successful and unsuccessful basketball free throws of elite basketball players. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 90, 321-328.[ SSCI, IF=2.648, Ranking in Psychology, Experimental: 22/83=26.5%] NSC86-2314-B-133-002
- Dai, C. T., Chang, Y. K. *, Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M.*, (2013). Exercise Mode and Executive Function in Older Adults: An ERP Study of Task-switching. Brain and Cognition, 83, 153-162. {SSCI, IF=2.683; Ranking in Psychology, Experimental: 20/83=24.1%} NSC 99-2410-H-003 -144 -MY3
- Kao, S. C., Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M.* (2013). Frontal midline theta is a specific indicator of optimal attentional engagement during skilled putting performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35, 470-478. {SSCI/SCI Journal, IF=2.452; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism:3/38(7.9%)} (SJR=1.503, Psychology: applied psychology 22/182=12.09%)NSC 98-2410-H-003 -124 -MY2
- Hung, C. L., Chang, Y. K., Chan, Y. S., Shih, C. H., Huang, C. J., & Hung, T. M*. (2013). Motor ability and inhibitory process in Children with ADHD. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 35, 322-328. 【SSCI/SCI Journal, IF=2.593; Ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism:3/38(7.9%)】(SJR=1.503, Psychology: applied psychology 22/182=12.09%)
- Chang, Y. K., Tsai, Y. J., Chen, T. T., & Hung, T. M*.(2013). The impacts of coordinative exercise on executive function in kindergarten children An ERP study. Experimental Brain Research, 225(2), 187-196.【SCI, IF=2.168, Ranking in Neurosciences:171/251(68.1%)】. DOI:10.1007/s00221-012-3360-9
- Chang, Y. K.*, Tsai, Y. J., Chen, T. T., & Hung, T. M* (2013). Erratum to: The impacts of coordinative exercise on executive function in kindergarten children: an ERP study. Experimental Brain Research, 228, 255.
- Chuan, L.Y., Huang, C.J., Lung, I.F., & Hung, T. M*. (2013). Attentional bias related issues and applications in sport context. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11:2, 243-262.
- Tsai, C. L.*, Chang, Y. K., Hung, T. M., Tseng, Y. T., & Chen, T. C. (2012). The neurophysiological performance of visuospatial working memory in children with developmental coordination disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 54(12), 1114-1120. (SCI, IF=2.918, ranking in Pediatrics & Clinical Neurology: 14/113=12.39%)
- Chang, Y, K, Tsai, C. L., Hung, T. M., So, E. C., Chen, F. Z., &Etnier, J. L. (2011). Effects of acute exercise on executive function: A study with a Tower of London Task. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 33(6):847-865. 【SSCI/SCI, IF=2.82; Ranking in Sport Sciences: 7/79; Ranking in Psychology:19/73】
- Chu, C.Y., Hung, C.L., Huang, C.J., Lin, S., & Hung, T. M*.(2011). Physical Self-Concept and Life Satisfaction among Middle-Age and Senior Population Participating inTable Tennis. International Journal of Table Tennis Science, 7, 114-117.
- Chu, C.Y., Chen, I., Chen, L., Huang, C.J., & Hung, T. M*.(2011). Sources of psychological states related to peak performance in elite table tennis players. International Journal of Table Tennis Science, 7, 86-90.
- Chen, K., Hung, C.L., Huang, C., Chen T., Chuang, L., & Hung, T. M*.(2011). The difference between playing table tennis and irregular exercise of the elderly in the Go/Nogo task performance, International Journal of Table Tennis Science, 7, 91-94.
- Hsieh T., Huang C., & Hung, T. M*. (2011). Relationships between heart rate variability, attention, and athletic performance,International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology-Chinese, 8:4, 473-475.
- Chu, C., Lin, J., & Hung, T. M*. (2010). A Study on Table Tennis Players’ Psychological Skills, Sport Injuries, and Tournament Satisfaction at the 49th World Championship. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, 6, 200-202.
- Chen, I., Chang, C., Hung, C., Chen, L., & Hung, T. M*. (2010). Investigation of Underlying Psychological Factors in Elite Table Tennis Players. International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, 6, 48-50.
- Huang*, C.J. & Hung, T.M. (2008). Ethical Issues in Sport Psychology Services: Dual Relationships, Confidentiality, and Competence Boundaries, 台灣運動心理學報,13,1-17。
- Hung*, T . M,, Lin, T., Lee, C., & Chen, L. (2008). Provision of Sport Psychology Services to Taiwan Archery Team for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 6(3), 308-318.
- Hung, T.M., Haufler, A. J., Lo, L., Mayer-Kress, G., & Hatfield*, B. D. (2008). Visuomotor Expertise and Dimensional Complexity of Cerebral Cortical Activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 40(4), 752-759 (SCI,IF=3.399, ranking in sport science 4/71=5.6%) NSC92-2413-H-154-009- & NSC94-2413-H-154-002
- Wu, C., Lo, L., Lin, J., Shih, H., & Hung, T.M.* (2007). The Relationship between Basketball Free Throw Performance and EEG Coherence, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology-Chinese Section, 5(4), 448-469. NSC86-2314-B-133-002- Awarded the Excellent Paper for the Chinese Sport and Exercise Psychology in 2010 by the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology-Chinese Section.
- Chu, C., Chen, L., Chen, W., Tang, H., Chang, C., & Hung, T.M. (2007). The relationship among self-esteem, depression, and health on elderly table tennis participants. Proceedings book for the 10th ITTF Science Congress, 16-19.
- Chen, L., Chu, C., Chen, W., Tang, H., Chang, C., & Hung, T.M. (2007). A comparison on health related quality of life between table tennis and close-skill sport participants. Proceedings book for the 10th ITTF Science Congress, 64-67.
- Chen, L., Hsien, C., Chang, C., Wang, J., & Hung, T.M. (2006). The relationship among sport competition anxiety, trait mental toughness, and athletic psychological skills in pre-elite table tennis players in Taiwan. Proceedings book for the 9th ITTF Science Congress, 6-11.
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- Lawton, G.W., Hung, T.M., Saarela, P., & Hatfield, B.D. (1998). Electroencephalography and mental states associated with elite performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20, 1 35-53.(SSCI )
- 張芝雁、黃崇儒、洪聰敏(刊登中)競技運動認知神經科學研究發展及未來趨勢。中華心理學刊(TSSCI)
- 曾竣瑋、洪巧菱、趙曉涵、洪聰敏、王鶴森* (2019)。不同急性運動類型對BDNF及干擾控制之影響。體育學報,52(3), 307-318。[TSSCI]
- 洪樂亞、洪聰敏*(2019)神經回饋在提升運動表現之研究,國立屏東科技大學社會科學研究:教育類,13(2), 1-21。
- 王國鑌、陳泰廷、洪聰敏*(2018)以腦波視角探討流暢經驗與精準性運動表現之關係,臺灣運動心理學報,18(2),57-76。 (TSSCI)
- 黃崇儒、洪聰敏(2017)以跨理論模式探討大學運動員的生涯準備狀況與因應策略。大專體育學刊,19(4),329-340。(TSSCI)
- 张育恺、周成林、陈爱国、颜军、洪聰敏(2017)慢性锻炼与认知功能关系的回顾与展望—国际历史发展的视角。体育科学,37(5),68-79。
- 謝漱石、闕廷宇、黃崇儒、洪聰敏* (2017)。急性阻力運動與認知功能:文獻回顧。臺灣運動心理學報,17(1),(TSSCI)
- 張禕霆、洪聰敏* (2016)。神經回饋訓練與精準性運動表現之方法學探討。臺灣運動心理學報,16(2),(TSSCI)
- 陳美綺 & 洪聰敏(2016)射箭隊的運動心理介入,運動表現期刊,3(2),55-62
- 謝漱石、洪聰敏* (2016)。健身運動與肥胖兒童認知功能:文獻回顧與未來展望。臺灣運動心理學報16(2),41-56。(TSSCI)
- 謝漱石、蔡亨*、洪聰敏(2016)健身運動與兒童認知功能:協調性運動的效果。台灣運動心理學報,16(1),79-96。(TSSCI)
- 闕廷宇、謝漱石、黃崇儒、洪聰敏* (2016)。健身運動與工作記憶之文獻回顧-以研究方式及年齡層觀點探討。臺灣運動心理學報,16(1),119-149。(TSSCI)
- 余建霖、蔡侑蓉、洪巧菱、黃崇儒、吳建霆、洪聰敏*(2016)。中強度急性運動對注意力缺陷過動症孩童空間工作記憶的影響,體育學報,49,33-45。(TSSCI)
- 洪巧菱、蔡侑蓉、黃崇儒、洪聰敏* (2016)。以神經電生理取向探討身體活動在ADHD兒童症狀與認知功能效益:文獻回顧與展望。應用心理研究,64, 39-94
- 洪巧菱、洪聰敏(2015)。體育在通識教育之角色,通識在線、56、14-16。
- 王國鑌、陳泰廷、黃崇儒、洪聰敏(2015):鏡像神經元之旅:以Mu節律探討動作技能學習與運動表現。臺灣運動心理學報。15 (2),127-147頁。
- 洪聰敏(2014)。主編特邀評論:提升體育與運動的價值。大專體育學刊,16(1),i-ii。(TSSCI)
- 黃崇儒、余雅婷、洪聰敏*(2014)。檢視大學運動員的生涯轉換:生涯發展模式之觀點。大專體育學刊,16(2),192-201。(TSSCI)
- 莊嵐雅、黃崇儒*、洪聰敏(2014)以腦波測量來探討身體活動的心理效應:1990~2013年方法論探析。體育學報,47(4),555-568。(TSSCI)
- 洪巧菱、陳衣帆、黃崇儒、張育愷、洪聰敏* (2014)。射擊準備期的大腦活動:射擊與動作需求之比較。體育學報,47(2),195-204。(TSSCI)
- 洪聰敏 (2014)。加強心智能力的運動科技:提升壓力下專注的神經回饋訓練,科學研習,53(6),10-15。
- 張育愷、洪聰敏*. (2014). 臺灣運動與體育領域學術期刊論文發表之現況分析,體育學報
- 洪巧菱、洪聰敏(2013)參與國際體育學術和運動組織經驗談,國民體育季刊,174,27-31。
- 洪巧菱、洪聰敏(2013)教育部體育署體育學術研究的發展方向,國民體育季刊,173,63-67。
- 陳泰廷、蔡侑蓉、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*。(2012) 提升高爾夫推桿表現應具備的心生理與心理特質,台灣運動心理學報,12(1),39-70。
- 鄭名揚、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*。(2012)腦波感覺動作頻率在運動表現提升的應用,大專體育,120,28-33。
- 張涵筑、洪聰敏。(2012)我國參加倫敦奧運選手科研與輔導機制-心理,國民體育季刊,41(2),24-26。
- 陳泰廷、洪聰敏。(2012)教育部區域運動科學中心推動效益,學校體育,22(3),12-16。
- 王佩玲、蔡侑君*、洪聰敏。(2011)探討陌生情境壓力源與抑制幼兒生理和行為反應之關聯,應用心理研究,52,181-213。
- 劉倩、林韋儒、黃崇儒、洪聰敏(2011)。執行射擊動作與放棄扣板機時額葉腦波之差異,台灣運動心理學報,18,55-64。
- 王悄竹、洪聰敏*(2011)。注意力偏誤與運動員焦慮的關係,中華體育,25(4),696-717。
- 黃至寬、黃崇儒、張智傑、洪聰敏*(2011)。心跳生物回饋訓練對空氣槍射擊表現、心跳減速和腦波的影響,大專體育學刊,13(2),164-172。(TSSCI)
- 陳怡婷、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2011)。桌球選手最佳表現有關的心理狀態,大專體育學刊,13(1),44-54。(TSSCI)
- 廖智千、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2011)。身體活動與兒童大腦神經認知功能的關係,中華體育,25(2),312-322。
- 莊嵐雅、張文華、黃崇儒、石恒星、林榮輝、洪聰敏*(2010)。初學飛鏢投擲者好壞成績之間的腦波功率和相干性差異,台灣運動心理學報,16,1-19。
- 莊嵐雅、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2010)。第三代渥太華心理技能量表中文化後之信效度,台灣運動心理學報,16,55-78。
- 龍裔夫、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2010)。運動介入與前額腦波側化、情緒狀態的關係,中華體育,24(3),1-15。
- 林正常、相子元、洪聰敏(2010)。海峽兩岸的運動科學交流,國民體育季刊,162,35-44。
- 高士竣、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2010)。生物反饋訓練在運動中對覺醒水準與注意力控制的效果,International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology-Chinese, 8, 223-245。
- 林韋儒、洪聰敏、黃崇儒* (2009)。高低技能飛鏢投擲者前額中葉Theta之差異,台灣運動心理學報,15,1-12。
- 林柏毅、黃勝宏、林韋儒、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2009)心跳生物回饋訓練對射箭選手心跳減速與運動表現的影響,台灣運動心理學報,15,27-39。
- 高士竣、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2009)較佳精準運動表現中專注的腦波特徵,中華體育季刊,23(3),1-16。
- 洪聰敏*、石恒星(2009)。腦波在運動心理學研究之應用。應用心理研究,42,123-161。
- 洪聰敏*、黃毅志(2009)。國內體育學術期刊評比研究,大專體育學刊,11(1),1-15。NSC96-2420-H-143-001-
- 洪巧菱、洪聰敏*。(2009)。影響運動表現的心理因素。國民體育季刊,158,62-68。
- 王永順、林榮輝、石恆星、洪聰敏*。(2008)神經回饋訓練與運動表現促進,台灣運動心理學報,13,33-51。
- 唐惠君、柯天路、卓俊伶、洪聰敏*。(2008)學齡前兒童身體活動課程與工作記憶:腦波功率與相干性,台灣運動心理學報,12,39-60。
- 黃崇儒*、張智傑、許勝凱、洪聰敏(2008)探討個人最佳功能區域與狀態焦慮方向性、運動表現的關係,台灣運動心理學報,12,61-79。
- 賴任庠、洪聰敏、林榮輝*(2008)。腦波與流暢經驗之可能關係,中華體育季刊,22,1-7。
- 黃勝宏、林榮輝、黃崇儒、洪聰敏*(2008)。心率變異度與焦慮之關係,中華體育季刊,22(1),72-79。
- 吳建霆、洪聰敏*(2007)。不同技能水準者飛鏢投擲時腦波頻譜功率與連貫性之差異。大專體育學刊,9(2),39-50。
- 洪聰敏*、石恒星(2007)。運動幫助您保持好腦力。國民體育季刊,153,51-56。
- 陳怜君、洪聰敏*(2007)。從杜哈亞運談2008奧運的運動心理支援。國民體育季刊,152,14-17。
- 陳音容、柯天路、洪聰敏*(2006)。競賽心理狀態量表之編制,台灣運動心理學報,9,19-39。
- 陳怜君、洪聰敏*(2006)。桌球選手之心理技能訓練。國民體育季刊,151,21-25。
- 張智傑、洪聰敏*(2006)。運動情報收集與分析。國民體育季刊,150,40-44。
- 吳建霆、洪聰敏*(2006)。反應時間快慢與腦波連貫性關係之研究。台灣運動心理學報,8,1-15。
- 石恆星、洪聰敏*(2006)。身體活動與大腦神經認知功能老化。台灣運動心理學報,8,35-63。
- 洪聰敏(2005)。腦波與心跳在精準運動上之應用。國民體育季刊,146,24-30。
- 洪聰敏(2005)。我國奧運運動科學心理支援實務。國民體育季刊,147,14-20。
- 陳怜君、張至滿、鄭宗晏、洪聰敏*(2005)。兒童運動競賽特質焦慮之研究。台灣運動心理學報,7,19-36。
- 陳靜、陳音容、洪聰敏(2005)。中國優秀桌球運動員壓力來源與因應策略。北體學報,13,39-53。
- 湯金蘭、林澤權、洪聰敏(2005)。2004年雅典奧運中華台北射箭選手之運動心理技能訓練個案研究。北體學報,13,16-28。
- 洪聰敏、豐東洋(2004)。腦波與運動時之心理狀態。中華體育,18(3),12-19。
- 豐東洋、洪聰敏、黃英哲(2004)。氣功對放鬆及情緒影響之腦波研究。台灣運動心理學報,5,19-42。
- 張哲偉、洪聰敏、豐東洋、李佳玲、林勝健、石恆星、林澤權(2004)。籃球罰球的腦波心生理學研究-頻譜與維度複雜性分析之比較。台灣運動心理學報,4,65-80。NSC86-2314-B-133-002
- 羅麗娟、洪聰敏*(2004)。不同目標取向在飛鏢投擲之腦波活動比較。台灣運動心理學報,4,81-102。
- 洪聰敏、豐東洋(2003)。運動員與非運動員訊息處理之研究。體育學報,35,117-126。NSC 89-2413-H-154-007
- 洪聰敏(2002)。運動對老年人心智功能的影響。國民體育季刊,132,41-46。
- 石恆星、洪聰敏(2002)。意象活動之神經生理機轉。中華體育,16,45-52。
- 豐東洋、洪聰敏(2001)。事件關聯電位(ERP)在運動心理學研究的應用。大專體育學刊,3(1),191-200。
- 洪聰敏、羅麗娟、豐東洋、張育愷、高竟峰、洪巧菱、張弓弘、陳堅錐、張鼎乾(2001)。桌球運動員與非運動員在前動作時間、動作時間與反應時間之比較。台灣運動心理學報,1,81-97。NSC 89-2413-H-154-003
- 豐東洋、洪聰敏、張育愷(2001)。焦慮對事件關連電位及反應時間影響之探討。台灣運動心理學報,1,99-119。NSC 89-2413-H-154-07
- 張育愷、洪聰敏、陳錦龍、豐東洋、楊坤祥、潘孝貴(2001)。肌肉疲勞對事件關聯電位及反應時間的影響。北體學報,9,149-161。楊坤祥、陳錦龍、洪聰敏、豐東洋(2001)。黃色與白色對反應時間及事件關連電位的影響。體育學報,31,59-70。
- 潘孝桂、陳錦龍、洪聰敏、豐東洋(2001)。短跑選手與非運動員之聽覺選擇反應時間及事件關連電位比較。體育學報,30,323-331。
- 張弓弘、洪聰敏(2001)腦波心生理學在排球技能研究上的應用。中華排球,92,43-45。
- 洪聰敏 (2000)。讓更多人參與有助於運動專業形象之建立,大專體育,51,14-16。
- 洪聰敏 (2000)。籃球罰球時左右腦波的活動研究。體育學報,28,193-202。NSC86-2314-B-133-002
- 洪聰敏 (1999)。籃球罰球的腦波心生理學研究。大專體育學刊,1(2),25-38。NSC86-2314-B-133-002
- 洪聰敏 (1998) 腦波:探討運動及身體活動心理學的另一扇視窗,中華體育,第四十四期,頁63-74。